What is MineduLAB?

The innovation laboratory for a cost-effective educational policy, or MineduLAB, is a tool that allows Peru's Ministry of Education (Minedu) to innovate and learn through the design, implementation and rigorous evaluation of cost-effective innovation pilots to enhance educational policy.

Innovations are defined as modifications to the Ministry of Education's (Minedu) existing interventions, or as new intervention proposals, that are based on principles of behavioral science or educational theory and characterized as low cost and high impact.

Minedu promotes the generation of timely and rigorous evidence to guide policy decisions and has been committed to MineduLAB since 2014. It is the first public institution in Latin America to institutionalize the use of evidence for the development of its sector.

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How does it work?

MineduLAB innovations are selected through a call for proposals that take place on a regular basis, referred to as its "Innovation Window". Later, prioritized innovations are developed, implemented and evaluated through the "Innovation Cycle".

Innovation Cycle

The innovation cycle is a process through which innovation proposals are prioritized, piloted and evaluated using experimental methods and administrative data. The evidence is then used to decide whether to scale up the innovation to education policy.

Actors involved in the innovation cycle

  • Selects and prioritizes innovations.

  • Facilitates all of the activities of the Innovation cycle.

RESEARCH COMMITTEE (provides technical assistance throughout the innovation cycle)

Main Benefits

Through the use of low-cost experiments, it allows for learning about the effectiveness of innovations without interrupting the execution of Minedu's regular activities.

It allows for the scaling up of cost-effective innovations that are aligned with Minedu's institutional objectives and have been proven successful in the Peruvian context.

It generates and systematizes evidence on the effectiveness of educational policies, not only for Minedu but also for other entities in the region and world that face similar challenges.

Innovation Windows

MineduLAB starts the innovation cycle with a call for proposals organized by Minedu's Office for Monitoring and Strategic Evaluation (OSEE). This "Innovation Window" is aimed at identifying cost-effective innovation proposals from Minedu's offices/divisions, the academic community and/or the private sector.

MineduLAB's Pilot Phase

In 2014, during MineduLAB's Pilot Phase, the first three low-cost innovations were identifed. These were based on behavioral theory and could be evaluated using adminstrative data


Choosing a better future

Delivering School Report Cards

MineduLAB's Implementation Phase

In 2015, during the first implementation of the innovation cycle, seven more projects were added to MineduLAB's portfolio. Three of them responded to ministerial priorities and the remaining four emerged as a result of the first diagnostic workshop on the problems faced by Minedu's offices/divisions.

to motivate teachers

your mind!

Raising Awareness
of teacher absenteeism

MineduLAB's Institutionalization Phase

In 2017, during MineduLAB's institutionalization phase, more than 50 innovation proposals were received through the Third Innovation Window, from Minedu's offices/divisions, researchers in academia and the private sector. Four innovations, which are currently in the design phase, were prioritized

SMS to Parents

Reducing gender gap in STEM careers

Techniques for
tackling procrastination


The MineduLAB team is responsible for facilitating all of the activities that make up the Innovation Cycle. It is in charge of planning and accompanying the design, implementation and evaluation of cost-effective innovations, for the generation of rigorous and timely evidence that contributes to informed decision-making in the education sector



Sending SMS to personnel responsible for executing PRONIED's school maintenance funds, using different types of messages based on principles of behavioral science, in order to increase the timely expenditure and accounting of resources.


Choosing a
better future

Provision of information (videos and interactive tablet app) to middle and high school students, about the benefits of culminating high-school, accessing/financing higher education and the returns to education in general, all with the purpose of reducing school dropout rates and increasing high school graduation rates.


Grow your mind!

Provision of information (article and poster) to 1st and 2nd year high school students about changing the way they perceive their own intelligence (growth mindset) and how valuable effort is, all with the purpose of improving students' learning outcomes.


SMS to motivate teachers

Sending weekly SMS to public school teachers, using different types of messages based on principles of behavioral science, in order to increase their motivation and satisfaction.


Delivering School
Report Cards

Providing principals, teachers and parents with information about their school's ECE results (including how they compare to nearby schools), in order to increase parental involvement and principal/teacher effort so as to improve student learning outcomes.


Raising Awarenes
of teacher absenteeism

Sending emails to teachers and principals that shines a light on teacher absenteeism and its associated costs, in order to promote the reduction of teacher absenteeism.


Delivering feedback
on Semáforo Escuela indicators

Providing public schools with feedback on teacher's attendance (letters and banners of appreciation) in order to improve other management indicators reported by Semáforo Escuela.


Non-monetary incentive
for Bono Escuela

Providing winners of Bono Escuela with a virtual diploma recognizing their achievement, as a complement to the financial award, in order to improve teachers' performance and, ultimately, students' learning outcomes.


Peer effects
within COARs

Random assignment of students with different levels of sociability and academic performance to dormitories of schools in the COAR network, in order to maximize their potential and contribute to the development of their skills.


Information for
outstanding students

Delivery of informative and motivational letters to gifted and talented students in public high schools, with the purpose of reducing school dropout rates and improving students' learning outcomes.


SMS to Parents

Sending SMS to parents to encourage their participation in their children's education, in order to improve students' learning outcomes.


Reducing gender gap
in STEM careers

Provision of information to encourage female students to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and thus increase their admission to and enrollment in higher education institutions.


Techniques for
tackling procrastination

Tutoring sessions for public high school students, in which self-control techniques are imparted and practiced in order to improve study habits and contribute to better student outcomes.


In 2016, MineduLAB won the PODER Award for Think Tank of the year, in the category "Greatest Promise of the YearIn 2016, MineduLAB won the PODER Award for Think Tank of the year, in the category "Greatest Promise of the Year" and was recognized by Minedu as a "Best Practice in Public Management and Anti-Corruption in Education". and was recognized by Minedu as a "Best Practice in Public Management and Anti-Corruption in Education".

In 2017, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) presented MineduLAB as a case study in its book "Learning better: public policy for skills development", highlighting it as a leading example in the generation of cost-effective policy solutions and in the use of evidence for educational policy design.

In 2018, MineduLAB won the Best Practices in Public Management award, granted by Ciudadanos al Día and Pacifico University, in the category of "Education - Educational Management and Transfer of Knowledge".